This was the fourth attempt at Pantai Remis fishing pond. And this time, I'm fishing from midnight till 7.00am. It was so challenging that me and a colleague of mine need to stay awake while fishing. As usual, during that time of moment, you could feel the night and morning air. It's so cold but yet it rewards you with new kind of experience. Somehow, the bad luck still remains. I've been wondering what's between me and this pond?
Monday, December 30, 2013
Monday, December 9, 2013
My next plan is to transform the porch area. Berikut adalah lukisan saya. Sorry for the quality.. I'm not an architect and I don't have any architectural background. In other words, main pakai hentam keromo je lah. Whatever it is; I need to find the cash first... Hahahaha, it's always the financial factors.
Apa-apa pun, aku mampu meng'ilustrasi'kan apa yang bermain di minda. Ada rezeki kita on ja... Kalau takde rezeki kita usahakan sampai ada rezeki. Kita mampu merancang, Allah jua yang menetapkan segalanya.
Mood: preparing myself and a friend of mine for a performance for our annual dinner. It seems that I've made myself occupied since last 2 weeks by focusing on this song. As for today, I guess I've prepared all the equipments accordingly. I hope that everything goes well indeed and hopefully it will never turn out to be stupid. Yup, I'm using my Les Paul for this song and I truly hope the tone that I've set will turn out to be great. Wish us good luck bro....
Sunday, November 24, 2013
Pejam celik pejam celik… dah berkhatan dah anak teruna aku
sorang ni. Ternyata masa berlalu amat pantas sekali. Terlalu amat pantas sekali
anak aku mencecah umur 9 tahun. Teringat
masa dulu-dulu betapa asyiknya dapat mendukung dia. Sekarang ni nak dukung
memang dah tak mampu… Alamatnya sakit belakang la jawabnya!!.
Dia memang rapat dengan aku… Katanya aku ni kawannya.. Nak
berkhatan ni amat mudah.. Aku tanya dia; terus dia setuju. Cuma malam sebelum
berkhatan je dia tak boleh tidur.. Dan seminit sebelum masuk bilik doktor, dia
baru cakap dia berasa takut. Sebagai
ayah, aku bagitau dia tiada apa yang perlu ditakutkan kerana abah sentiasa ada
disisi. Seminggu sebelum tu; aku sentiasa ingatkan dia bahawa dalam Islam wajib
berkhatan. Dan berkhatan ni lah yang membezakan budak dan orang dewasa.
Operation berkhatan ni kejap ja… aku agak tak sampai pun
10minit… Cuma ada komplikasi sikit, kalau tak maunya dalam 5 minit ja… Berbeza
dengan zaman dulu pakai tok mudim. La ni pi klinik ja kasi clamp. Tambahan plak
klinik ni plak doktornya rapat dengan family aku. So, benda mudah menjadi lebih
mudah. Lagipun, sebelum operasi berjalan, doktor kasi bius dulu….
Apapun, Alhamdulillah semuanya selesai… Sekarang ni tunggu
5hari untuk buka semula clamp tu…
p/s: As for my son, abah wish you congrats. A new chapter of
your life begins. May Allah protects and bless you as always. Amin.
Monday, November 18, 2013
Crackin' Head Big Time!!
2014 is just around the corner and I just could feel the stress is in the air. The management has structured the company and I have been given the task on gaining RM20million from our local market. Frankly and truly, it is an impossible mission. Somehow, I’ve taken the liberty to take it as a challenge and may Allah will be on my side. Plus a bit of luck could favors me a lot.
The bad part, I couldn’t rely everything on my existing surroundings
since I could smell betrayal, hatred and hate. The recent environment won’t do
much help. Negative energy is everywhere and this is not good. Therefore, I’m
just gonna do it independently. Yes, I do it for the company but on the other
hand, as for the truth; I’m going to do this for myself. May Allah have the
mercy and grant me for what I’ve wishes for.
Syukur Alhamdulillah. I’m giving credits to my daughter for
her ‘flying colors’ in the 2013 exam results. A good start for her ‘standard
one’ studies. Frankly, she did pretty well in her primary school and KAFA
classes. May she will stay focus and maintaining the results till end of her
education period. I admitted that I’m so
focus with my work and there’s no much time to spare in terms of her education.
Luckily, she could make herself so successful and I truly owe this to all the
teachers, ustaz and ustazah.
Dalam keadaan dunia sekarang yang penuh dengan cabaran dan
dugaan, aku tidak meletakkan harapan yang terlalu tinggi pada anak-anak.
Cukuplah sekadar mereka menjadi insan yang berakhlak. But looking at the
results, I knew and I prayed that they could achieve a better life and to be a
good person. Amin.
Education is important. It’s a never ending process. As long
as I’m still breathing, I promised to myself that I will try my very best to
give the best education to my kids. May Allah bless me and the family for the matter.
Sunday, November 17, 2013
MOVIE REVIEWS: THOR the dark world
Since my sis was in town, I’m taking the whole family for a
cinema treat. And we have decided to watch Thor; The Dark Word. I’m suggesting you guys to watch THOR the
first movie before you proceed with this movie. There’s some connection between
the first and the recent Thor movie. It will give you more understanding the
whole story.
The blockbuster was awesome and it was pretty much better
than the first one. If you are a fan of the ‘avengers’, you gotta watch this
one. The story involving Loki ain’t over
yet till you watch this movie.
As for me, I’m a big fan of Natalie Portman and the
Avengers. Therefore, this film is a double bonanza excitement for me. Perhaps,
I shouldn’t comment more on this movie; Grab yourself a pop corn and watch
p/s: This time I'm beginning to love Loki……
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
JAMMING SESSION 25th October 2013
It's been quite a while since I had my last jamming session. It's almost 3 months I guess..!!Out of the blue, a friend of mine whatsapps me for a session on that night. Ibarat ngantuk disorongkan bantal....
Frankly, I don't prepare anything for the session. Therefore the session didn't turn out the way it was expected to be. Well, it's all about having fun and that's the most important part of the whole idea.
Guys, thanks for the invitation...
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
AIDIL ADHA 2013...
Semoga kita semua menghayati pengertian 'korban'. Allahu Akbar..... Allahu Akbar... Allahu Akbar.
Hidup tidak dapat dielakkan daripada melakukan pengorbanan. Sacrifice is a part of life. We have to commit sacrifice to our surroundings. Dan pengorbanan adalah sebahagian daripada penyucian jiwa. InsyaAllah.
Thursday, September 26, 2013
Getting back in shape...

All this while, I've been ignoring about my health and it is about time for me to spend more time exercising, controlling my diet and try to avoid stress situation. (not to mention about my smoking habit!!)
Getting in shape also is about controlling my financial. I have a target for next year. Therefore, I have to put a grip by making proper planning since 2013 is not doing great favors for me.
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
Syawal 2013 part 5: The FINALE 'F' words...
Let me describe this year Hari Raya celebration in "F" words...
and of all comes back to FINANCIAL! hahahahaha
Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Syawal 2013 part 4: Sawadikapp shopping..
Since my hometown is in Perlis, I've grabbed the opportunity to visit Wang Klian. Actually it's a border between Malaysia and Satun(Thailand). Maybe you guys have visited Padang Besar and Bukit Kayu Hitam before but Wang Klian is definitely different.
The price is much cheaper comparing to Padang Besar and Bukit Kayu Hitam. Maybe some of us underestimate the products from Thailand. But please do trust me that some of the products were built to last.
Wang Klian is just like a valley where you could see all the wooden stalls were built for their Thailand citizens to do business.
As for me, I'm in there during the Hari Raya just to buy some t-shirts and some longans. My wife? hrmmmm.. she bought all those kitchen stuffs....kuali and bla..bla...bla...
Thursday, August 15, 2013
Syawal 2013 part 3: MUZIKARAYA 2013
Setiap kali raya, inilah antara 'event' yang wajib aku turut serta dimana kesemua para pemuzik yang dibesarkan di Taiping akan turun turut serta. Dalam ertikata lain, masing-masing turun tunjuk skill la...
Alhamdulillah, tahun ni tak salah aku dah 3 tahun berturut-turut kita orang organise 'event' ni.
Most of them are my long time friends. Dan ada gak yang bermain dengan kombo RTM turut join sekali. Dan kali ni berbeza sikit daripada tahun-tahun sebelumnya dimana kali ni ada pemain keyboard yang asalnya junior aku masa zaman sekolah St.George dulu. Di tambah plak drummer "BRAIN DEAD' pun join sekaki. Sebut BRAIN DEAD ni...dia punya double pedal jangan cakap la..memang padu..memang mantap...memang makanan dia.
Listing lagu-lagu memang rojak; daripada lagu yang biasa dimainkan di Pub hinggalah lagu Heavy Metal...memang semuanya dimainkan. Memang takde perancangan punya untuk lagu...main pakai belasah. Tapi memandangkan semuanya pro-pro belaka... semuanya menjadik.
InsyaAllah...sekiranya umur panjang dan sihat tubuh badan, kita ketemu lagi untuk MUZIKARAYA 2014.
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
Syawal 2013 part 2: Smoke 'em up...
As mentioned earlier, personally for me; celebrating Syawal is all about making the kids happy. And it seems like a tradition in this country to light up some oil lamp and letting the kids to play around with fire crackers. These things reminded me during my childhood years. Trust me, the kids love it.
Monday, August 5, 2013
Syawal 2013 part 1: Baju Melayu Aaron Aziz!!!!!!!!!
You could see the advertisement everywhere!!! It's the latest trend for Syawal celebration 2013. Aku siap kutuk lagi pada peringkat awalnya. Lastly, terjebak gak. Terbang gak la duit aku RM285.00 untuk sepasang. Dalam hati aku, raya setahun sekali apalah salahnya....atau sebab salesgirl nyer yang comei tu?... Siap rekomen kaler merah maroon lagi untuk aku. Katanya kulit aku sesuai dengan kaler tu. Cair aku di bulan puasa ni gara2 salesgirl tu.
I heard that Jakel sold out more than 40,000 sets of the Aaron Aziz's baju melayu. Wowww!!!!
I heard that Jakel sold out more than 40,000 sets of the Aaron Aziz's baju melayu. Wowww!!!!
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Syawal is just around the corner.
Finally, Ramadhan is near to end for this year and InsyaAllah, we'll be celebrating Eid by next week. As for this year, I'm totally proud of my kids as they have done great through out Ramadhan. And of course, Eid is about bringing happiness to them for fasting the whole month of Ramadhan.
In Islamic teachings, Syawal is a celebration for the Muslim for their winning in fighthing lecherousness, lust and desire. And it's not only about hunger and thirst.
Monday, July 22, 2013
BACK IN TIME: 21years ago
I've just done some cleaning at home and guess what I've found? A picture taken 21 years ago showing me and few of the band mates performing in an event.
Surprisingly, most of us are still active in music playing after 21years. Those days, we are still 18years old. Still 'bujang teruna' at that time. And the best of all, we are still keep in touch between one another.
Personally, the picture really speaks for itself. Looking back in time put a smile in my face.
Thursday, July 4, 2013
Office on Fire...
Our office was caught on fire. Luckily no one is hurt since the incident happened somewhere during midnight. And we considered lucky since the water sprinkler automatically operated accordingly. Somehow, it has caused flood towards the entire office.
Bad things happen everyday and it happened to us this time. The Fire Department unofficially declared the incident happened due to short-circuit maters.
Morale of the story: Shut off the main switch whenever you leave the office!!
Bad things happen everyday and it happened to us this time. The Fire Department unofficially declared the incident happened due to short-circuit maters.
Morale of the story: Shut off the main switch whenever you leave the office!!
Monday, July 1, 2013
Fishing: The 2nd Attempt....
I've made my second attempt to conquer the pool (Pantai Remis) due to the failure during the tournament organized a couple weeks ago. And the result was the same!!! Somehow, few of my buddies; Sabil, Pai and Razmein joined the mission and they also were unable to tame the pool. And there shall be the 3rd attempt of course!!!
My best friend paid me a visit last Saturday with his new latest Superbike 250 Naza Blade. I could see the cherish at his face. Well, I felt happy for him since he has been adored a superbike for quite sometime. What makes him happy will make me happy too. That is what friendship is all about.
Thinking of having a superbike? I don't think so. I guess I'm just to old for bikes. Plus, I'm the indoor type of person. Whatever it is, I'm sure glad to share the happiness of a friend. You just make me proud. Enjoy the ride bro!!!
Monday, June 24, 2013
Migrating to new studio...
Since the closure of Evolution Studio in Puncak Alam, we have decided to migrate to a new studio in Saujana Utama. It's a bit far from the previous one, roughly 7 to 9 km's away from my home. It's been quite some time since our last jamming session 2 weeks before the election months ago. Therefore, our skills were considered a bit rusty. Somehow, the session went smooth since we've built the chemistry for nearly 3 years. Couple of songs went smooth and easy but most of it need few clean ups.
It is our first time for the new studio located in Saujana Utama. On the positive side, it has a larger room that gave us whole lotta space to move around. It might fits 9 to 12 people per entry. And on the contra sides; it needs more air conditioning system. Plus, the owner needs to have a fully functional microphone for the vocals. I did not want to comment more on the amp systems since this was our first time here. For example, I've used Marshall Amp for quite some time and at this new studio, I have to make familiar with Laney. In other words, we gotta get use of the new sound. Whatever it is; we've tried to play our first Iron Maiden song; The Trooper and it turned out not bad at all... Up the Irons!!!
It is our first time for the new studio located in Saujana Utama. On the positive side, it has a larger room that gave us whole lotta space to move around. It might fits 9 to 12 people per entry. And on the contra sides; it needs more air conditioning system. Plus, the owner needs to have a fully functional microphone for the vocals. I did not want to comment more on the amp systems since this was our first time here. For example, I've used Marshall Amp for quite some time and at this new studio, I have to make familiar with Laney. In other words, we gotta get use of the new sound. Whatever it is; we've tried to play our first Iron Maiden song; The Trooper and it turned out not bad at all... Up the Irons!!!
Sunday, June 23, 2013
The story of my BLACK GOLD MANGO.
I've spent the last weekend planting a mango tree just in front of my home. I thought of stealing a tree from the developer within the area but it seems I don't have enough guts to do so. Therefore, soon after my office hours, I dropped by to one of the nursery at the Batu Arang-Puncak Alam road and purchase it for RM15.00. RM15.00?!!!!!!! Quite expensive since I could take the seed F.O.C from my 'kampung"! Ya...ya..ya...I gotta realize that nothing is free in Klang Valley.
According to the nursery guy; it is a BLACK GOLD MANGO type. I haven't heard this type of mango before but hopefully the fruits will come out soon. InsyaAllah.
According to the nursery guy; it is a BLACK GOLD MANGO type. I haven't heard this type of mango before but hopefully the fruits will come out soon. InsyaAllah.
Monday, June 17, 2013
Fishing: Pantai Remis 16th June 2013
And finally the management agreed on having a fishing tournament for the staffs. Therefore, they chose a fishing pond/pool somewhere Pantai Remis for the event. What makes me proud is; it involves most of the production staffs. Furthermore, I prefer an outdoor activities rather than having such an event indoor. Zero catch for me but as I said; fishing is not about getting the fish. It's always about enjoying the moment and personally, it is stress therapy.
Happy Father's Day 2013
Finally I decided to celebrate Happy Father's Day this year. Not that I really hate in celebrating this special event but since diabetic took to my dad 3 years ago, it seems so hard to accept the lost.
But as years passed by, I finally realized that it is not fair to my lovely kids. After all, they are my companions for the rest of my life. Being father is about being great to myself and all the family members.
As for my late dad, I love you so much...Al-fatihah....
But as years passed by, I finally realized that it is not fair to my lovely kids. After all, they are my companions for the rest of my life. Being father is about being great to myself and all the family members.
As for my late dad, I love you so much...Al-fatihah....
Sunday, June 2, 2013
Family Secret Recipes: Curry Puffs!!!!!
This is our family recipes; Curry Puffs. Mum taught us on how to prepare this curry puffs. Frankly, it is not as easy as it looks but its truly taste delicious. Time to heat up the oven!!
Family Gateway: Holiday Villa Subang
Nowadays, the sun rises up early and works overtime causing hot weather in Klang Valley. It's time for family escapade in Holiday Villa, Subang. Time for my self and family to be pampered in the swimming pool. Credits to my sis, for the free treat.
Sunday, May 5, 2013
Time to grab on the pop-corn boxes!!
There's nothing greater during the weekends than taking the kids to the cinema. This time we are watching "Iron Man 3". And of course in 3D!!. I guess I'm getting addicted to 3D movies lately. It some sort of giving me the whole satisfaction.
Will there be any other sequels after this one? Or will the movie to be continued in the Avengers? I'm not so sure about that.
There's nothing greater during the weekends than taking the kids to the cinema. This time we are watching "Iron Man 3". And of course in 3D!!. I guess I'm getting addicted to 3D movies lately. It some sort of giving me the whole satisfaction.
Will there be any other sequels after this one? Or will the movie to be continued in the Avengers? I'm not so sure about that.
Sunday, April 7, 2013
Happy Birthday: Enjoying my last 3 series......
Thank God, it is the final years in celebrating my 30's. Feelin' kinda old but I'm praising Allah for the good health given. I'm thanking all the colleagues for organizing this small occasion in the office. As I blogged before, all the staffs here are like a family. And I truly appreciate to be part of the family and considered myself very lucky.
The celebration didn't stop. Next celebration was organized by my love one. It's TGI Friday's... Who could ever resist the lovely and tender steaks...
Sunday, March 31, 2013
Let's Burn...Part II
It's some sort of boring weekend and I kept telling myself "got to do to do something"...And finally, start up the car engine to find some stuffs to grill.
There's a time when I got too tired of eating the normal type of cooking. Usually I'm doing this BBQ stuffs when there are friends or relatives come over to the house. But this time, it's me alone... but the fun was still there..
Hopefully, the neighbors won't be bother with the smokes. But who cares?!!!!
There's a time when I got too tired of eating the normal type of cooking. Usually I'm doing this BBQ stuffs when there are friends or relatives come over to the house. But this time, it's me alone... but the fun was still there..
Hopefully, the neighbors won't be bother with the smokes. But who cares?!!!!
Let's Burn....
One thing that I have in common with my brother in-law is; we both love to BBQ. He just came back from Trengganu and brought whole lotta seafood stuffs... Let's burn....
Out of a sudden I just remember this great song "BURN" by Deep Purple.
Wednesday, March 27, 2013

I've heard of this famous restaurant before and finally I got a chance to drop by!!
Actually, I was assigned to visit one of our client in Grik, Perak. And no wonder one of my boss was too eager to follow my journey without knowing his agenda to have lunch at this famous restaurant.
I am not fond of having these fresh water fish and this restaurant prove me wrong. I guess it is the way of how they process the fresh water fish. The smelly fresh water smell is totally eliminated and it tastes sweet.
No wonder there's whole lotta crowd dining in for lunch. My boss suggested me of having this 'talapia-bakar'. Damn!!! It tastes really good and they put this special sauce on it.
As for you guys!!!! THIS IS TOTALLY RECOMMENDED!!!
Sarawak again!!!...Seems that Sarawak gonna be my second home since my boss required me to in-charge for Sabah and Sarawak market. As for me, going to Sarawak or Sabah really makes me happy indeed. Plus, I have a couple nice friend waiting for me there.
Sarawak is truly nice price but the travel via flight roughly 2 hours really makes me tired. Somehow, once I step my feet on Sarawak, I knew it's gonna be something interesting waiting for me.
This is the restaurant I'm talking about!! It is located in Buntal, Sarawak. It's along the road to Santubong. Yup, it is a chinese restaurant but no worries, it is halal!! This is my second time being in the restaurant and twice I met few ministers having their lunch here. If the ministers love it, surely it is quite famous here in Sarawak.
I've commented before on the food. Again, it is truly delicious and I recommended you guys to try it here.
Finally, I'm leaving Sarawak the next day and I just wish that I could spend more time here. There's 1,001 places yet I haven't explore and I'm looking forward during my next trip...
Signing off guys!!!!
Sarawak is truly nice price but the travel via flight roughly 2 hours really makes me tired. Somehow, once I step my feet on Sarawak, I knew it's gonna be something interesting waiting for me.
This is the restaurant I'm talking about!! It is located in Buntal, Sarawak. It's along the road to Santubong. Yup, it is a chinese restaurant but no worries, it is halal!! This is my second time being in the restaurant and twice I met few ministers having their lunch here. If the ministers love it, surely it is quite famous here in Sarawak.
I've commented before on the food. Again, it is truly delicious and I recommended you guys to try it here.
Finally, I'm leaving Sarawak the next day and I just wish that I could spend more time here. There's 1,001 places yet I haven't explore and I'm looking forward during my next trip...
Signing off guys!!!!
Sunday, March 10, 2013
BBQ Session.... truly a success!!
Last Saturday night, the committee member of Alam Suria organized a gathering session for all it citizenships.
It was filled with these wonderful BBQ sessions. As for me, the event was a successful event where everybody could mingle around getting to know each other.
I personally knew, nowadays it is quite tough to get neighbors to get along together but the committee managed to make it happen. Salute!!
Thursday, March 7, 2013
Everybody has their own dream....
I'm hoping that my dream would come into reality one of these days. At the moment, I knew I could only wish for it. But who knows when the lightning may strike...!!!
Sunday, March 3, 2013
Decorating the Wet Kitchen...
The wet kitchen was finally completed! The problem now is how to decorate it. I've visited Nilai 3 a week ago and suddenly saw this artificial fruits with the price of RM5 per bag. Bought 2 bags of it and started to decorate the shelve.
Frankly, the wet kitchen is still yet empty and it might take me a couple of months to figure out on what else to put.
As mentioned earlier in my post, it is always the money constrain factor. Or shall I mention it as the "M" factor!!!
Frankly, the wet kitchen is still yet empty and it might take me a couple of months to figure out on what else to put.
As mentioned earlier in my post, it is always the money constrain factor. Or shall I mention it as the "M" factor!!!
A day in Morib...
Frankly speaking, I've never been to Morib beach before. I've been there once but never had a chance to look at the beach.
Since it is quit a sunny day, we decided to visit the beach. It turned out to be a nice place to hang around. Watching the kids playing around with kites reminded me of my old days.
It is a good thing to see the government develop the place into something that people love. Of course there are few food stalls accommodating the area.
Even thou it is not so sight seeing like any other places such as Penang or Langkawi but at least there is something.
The highlight of the day was; spending a day/night at Gold Coast Water Theme Park Morib. The Theme Park is not as good as Sunway Lagoon or Bukit Merah Lake Town. But considering the hotel charges was only RM168 (Groupon discount) per night with free breakfast and dinner, I consider it as worth for your money. Plus, you get a big room with a Jacuzzi in the bathroom plus two free tickets to enter the water theme park. It all comes back to make the kids happy....Therefore, even thou it is not at par with other water theme park, making the kids happy is quit good enough for me!!
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Fishing time....
Let em' fly...
The only thing that I have in mind during 'public holidays' is fishing. It's a moment of forgetting and putting aside all the problems. It is relaxing to see all the greens. Great escapades!!!
Cheap machine but priceless...
Gaya amik wudhuk pun ada!!!
Enjoying the environment...
Old jeans & slippers...antics!!
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