Syukur Alhamdulillah. I’m giving credits to my daughter for
her ‘flying colors’ in the 2013 exam results. A good start for her ‘standard
one’ studies. Frankly, she did pretty well in her primary school and KAFA
classes. May she will stay focus and maintaining the results till end of her
education period. I admitted that I’m so
focus with my work and there’s no much time to spare in terms of her education.
Luckily, she could make herself so successful and I truly owe this to all the
teachers, ustaz and ustazah.
Dalam keadaan dunia sekarang yang penuh dengan cabaran dan
dugaan, aku tidak meletakkan harapan yang terlalu tinggi pada anak-anak.
Cukuplah sekadar mereka menjadi insan yang berakhlak. But looking at the
results, I knew and I prayed that they could achieve a better life and to be a
good person. Amin.
Education is important. It’s a never ending process. As long
as I’m still breathing, I promised to myself that I will try my very best to
give the best education to my kids. May Allah bless me and the family for the matter.
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