Sunday, September 30, 2012

Nilai 3: Heaven for Home Decor Lovers

Here I am in Nilai3. This is my first time for me to visit Nilai 3. It's a wholesale place for home decor lovers. Just name it whatever you want it for your home. It is like a one stop centre for home decor fans. The price? The price is much lower from what you get in KL or any other place. And what makes it more interesting is; you gotta have the guts to bargain. Just bargain it until you and the seller get the right price.

The reason I am here is to seek the right 'curtain' for my new home. Since Nilai is known as a 'Curtain Town'. It is definitely the right place to visit.

Choose the fabrics with your own taste and color, ask the seller for the price and bargain till you drop. Then, request them to sew your curtain. And within 1 -2 hours, your new curtain is up and ready!! That's why I guess it was called as the 'Curtain Town'.

You also might to check out the lighting stores. From ancient style to modern urban, everything is here!! 
Finally....I'm tired to death. Not that I'm tired coz of walking from one store to another...I'm tired since my wallet is out of cash. Here's the tip; Bring whole lotta money guys!!!

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