Alhamdulillah, the first phase of my very own idea of home deco is nearly come to its end. Hopefully it could be completed by this Friday since I'have deployed another contractor to start his work on kitchen reno. The second phase of course is the kitchen which expected to be completed by 25th September 2012. Back to the first phase; the idea of having the red theme living hall is to apply the modern zen concept. Hopefully the red color might brings me whole lotta luck in future to come.
I've put the TV cabinet as a divider between the dining hall and living area in order to provide privacy during having the meal. Yup it makes the house bit smaller but yesterday I have made my mind on extending the kitchen which roughly gonna cost me another RM8k.(The kitchen extension of course gonna be the 3rd phase).
I've been wondering why the hell of having the idea of putting the bricks at one of the feature wall. Okay la...kononnya ada elemen 'earth' la tu... Earth pun earth gak....duit dah nak abisss dah nihh.....
And the above is my master plan. Hopefully it could be accomplished everything by the end of this year. As I said before, it all depends on the thickness of my wallet...ya adoiiiii!!!!
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