Wednesday, March 27, 2013


 Sarawak again!!!...Seems that Sarawak gonna be my second home since my boss required me to in-charge for Sabah and Sarawak market. As for me, going to Sarawak or Sabah really makes me happy indeed. Plus, I have a couple nice friend waiting for me there.

Sarawak is truly nice price but the travel via flight roughly 2 hours really makes me tired. Somehow, once I step my feet on Sarawak, I knew it's gonna be something interesting waiting for me.
 This is the restaurant I'm talking about!! It is located in Buntal, Sarawak. It's along the road to Santubong. Yup, it is a chinese restaurant but no worries, it is halal!! This is my second time being in the restaurant and twice I met few ministers having their lunch here. If the ministers love it, surely it is quite famous here in Sarawak.

I've commented before on the food. Again, it is truly delicious and I recommended you guys to try it here.
Finally, I'm leaving Sarawak the next day and I just wish that I could spend more time here. There's 1,001 places yet I haven't explore and I'm looking forward during my next trip...

Signing off guys!!!!

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