Monday, December 9, 2013


My next plan is to transform the porch area. Berikut adalah lukisan saya. Sorry for the quality.. I'm not an architect and I don't have any architectural background.  In other words, main pakai hentam keromo je lah. Whatever it is; I need to find the cash first... Hahahaha, it's always the financial factors.

Looking at the forecast planning; I might need at least RM7,500.00 to make it happen. If I could produce RM10,00.00; it is much-much better since I could replace the main gate itself.

Apa-apa pun, aku mampu meng'ilustrasi'kan apa yang bermain di minda. Ada rezeki kita on ja... Kalau takde rezeki kita usahakan sampai ada rezeki. Kita mampu merancang, Allah jua yang menetapkan segalanya. 

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