Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Port Dickson: Grand Lexis Water Chalet

Frankly, I've never been to Port Dickson before but I always have the intention  to visit this place. And a friend (not sure whether this individual still consider me as a friend or not; I'm not pretty sure) recommended Grand Lexis as a superb place to stay. Luckily, the company has organized a seminar  to be held here in Grand Lexis. They only managed to get the water chalet since it was a last minute call but it will do rather than other hotels in PD.

My schedules were tight during the seminars and therefore, I could not have the chance of exploring Port Dickson and the hotel itself. Somehow, I managed to squeeze myself woke up early in the morning just to do my fishing things. No worries, all the stuffs including the baits will be provided.

Whatever it is; this is such a cool place to spend your holidays especially with the kids. And I heard there's a room with a swimming pool inside. Here's the tip, make an early bookings since this place is full of crowd especially during the school holidays.

I promise you one thing; once you stayed you'll intend to come again!!

Monday, November 17, 2014


It's been quite a while since the last time I entered the studio. And the last time as I could recalled was way back 3 months ago. 

Joined the session was Sam Cromok, a heavy metal bassist/vocalist  to a well known band, Cromok. (Back those days in the early 90's, Cromok was considered as a successful heavy metal band)

Surprisingly, he was versatile in playing various types of music. All this while, I thought he is only more into heavy music. That night proved me wrong.

Musician is still a musician. You  gotta be universal and not focusing only in a single genre. Frankly, it was an honor to play along with a legend. Till we jam again bro!!!!

Monday, October 13, 2014


I'm traveling again to Sarawak. This time I'm having a meeting Sarikei. With a couple of friends from Kuching we used a Toyota 4x4 via Trans Borneo Highway. At first I thought it was truly a highway that we used to have in Peninsular but the truth is; it was a normal road. The worst part was; it took us nearly 5 hours to reach Sarikei from Kuching just to had a 30minutes of meeting. Even thou, it was a normal road, but the condition of the road was good. It was a day trip and it was truly tiring. But for those who loves driving and enjoy the green nature beauty, you might enjoy the trip.

If you intend to visit Sarikei and to avoid this sort of tiring/driving trip, you may take a flight from Kuching to Sibu. Then, rent a car from Sibu to Sarikei.

Thursday, September 25, 2014


Even thou it's already September but everybody still in their 'merdeka' (independence) mood. Malaysian celebrates their Independence on 31st August while our Malaysia Day on 16th September. Kindly google for the details for our history.

This year we are celebrating our 57th of Independence. And I urged that everybody should have the spirit of celebrating it.

We should educate our younger generations to be able to make a difference between being political and being patriotic. 

Monday, August 18, 2014


Sempena masih kita berada di dalam bulan Syawal ini, di sini saya ingin mengambil kesempatan untuk mengucapkan "SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDIL FITRI" dan dikesempatan ini juga saya menyusun sepuluh jari memohon maaf zahir dan batin (samada saya atau ahli keluarga) terkasar bahasa atau menyakiti hati kalian. 

 Sambutan raya kali ni simple jer...  Persiapan raya kali ini tidaklah seboros tahun lepas. Tak banyak 'spend' kuih raya untuk keluarga tahun ini kerana tahun ini, 'cookies' buat sendiri. No wonder la ramai orang meniaga cookies kerana 'margin'nya yang agak lumayan. I tried helping my wife in baking cookies, it's a wonderful experience terutamanya bila tengok kuih tu 'bangkit' atau mengembang bila berada dalam oven..

Apapun, aku cuma membantu jer..hihihihi
Seperti tahun lalu, dan tahun-tahun sebelumnya, kesemua member yang aktif bermain muzik akan berkumpul jamming sekali. Bukan senang nak duduk sekali terutamanya ramai yang merantau keluar dari Taiping. Jadi, bila 'time' nak raya ni lah peluang kami nak berkumpul dan jamming sekali.

Bila berkumpul ni, teringat zaman-zaman dulu.. zaman studio 'Ah Chuan' Taiping. Ah Chuan pun dah lama RIP.  Dan teringat juga zaman Battle of the Band kat Parit Buntar. Al-maklumlah, kami semua membesar zaman rock 80an.. Perghhh truly missed  those moments.

Hopefully this event would be a yearly tradition. InsyaAllah.

Alhamdulillah, berbekalkan rezeki yang tak seberapa ni..I took my family to spent few hours in Penang. Biasa la, bawak budak-budak naik feri. Pergi naik jambatan, balik naik feri. Apalagi... sengih sampai telinga budak-budak aku.. Last sekali bawak derang naik feri lebih kurang 4 ke 5 tahun yang lepas.

Sempat juga la pekena nasi kandar Penang. Sebenarnya nasi kandar Penang lah yang benar-benar ori. Yang ada di KL tu.. sedap memang sedap tapi tidak se'ori' yang di Penang la...

The original plan, is to take the kids overnight at Hard Rock Hotel Penang. Entah macam mana,budget plak lari... takpelah, andaikata murah rezeki dan umur panjang, kita mai lagi. InsyaAllah.

Teringat zaman dulu-dulu, selalu gak datang ke Penang ni. Cuma sekarang ni banyak dah berubah, especially jalannya yang sudah bersimpang-siur...

And again, since we are still in the month of Syawal; humbly on behalf of my family... Ampun Maaf Zahir dan Batin. And may Allah bless us all.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014


It's always been my attention to post something about the 2014 world cup. And the reason I'm delaying the post was due to one of my favorite team, England has earlier packed their bags. Then, of course I put my confidence on Brasil. Unluckily, Brasil was thrashed out by Germany 7-1 in the semi's. And my remaining team that made their way into the finals; ARGENTINA.... Frankly speaking, looking at all the participating teams and their performances, the 2014 World Cup is meant for Germany, but this is soccer; anything might happen right?

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Happy Father's Day 2014

The kids are back home from their school holidays. And they bought me a ticket to watch the latest X-Men movie as a Father's Day gift. Thanks for it!! It's a wonderful feeling to be treated like this from your own kids. The ticket was only RM11.00 but I could felt the love deep inside my heart. Million thanks.... 

Being a father is not such an easy task. It's a whole life and a lifetime process. And I knew, I won't be able to create such a perfect life for my kids and the family. I'm really honored that the kids took me to the movies.

As for all the fathers out there; HAPPY FATHER'S DAY. It is a tough world out there and I knew, as long we are breathing, we'll do the very best for the family. InsyaAllah

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

'WISH' comes true!!!

Life is tough bro.. And it is not easy making money by working 9 to 5. And only God knows how hard we as a human being to work our ass off just to get the salary. Finally, I've made a choice to reward me and the family a toyota. Memang la nampak macam banyak duit tetapi hakikatnya; cuma Allah swt je yang tahu. Selagi, ada tulang empat kerat ni, selagi tu lah aku akan berusaha. Kalau nak harap duit 'cash' sedebak memamg sampai bila pun takkan termampu. Maka berhutanglah kita ni... 

Al-kisahnyanya begini; dah lama dah aku ngidam nak pakai kereta Jepun ni. Selama ni asyik pakai kereta Malaya je. Bukan nak kondem kereta buatan tempatan cuma kalau dah selalu dok makan rendang, sesekali nak juga makan 'sushi'. Sepanjang tempoh hayat aku ni, aku dah pakai Proton Wira, Proton Waja dan akhir sekali Perodua 'Myvi'..

Duit 'cash' pun bukannya aku ada pun dalam poket... dalam bank pun ada ciput ja. Yang ada cuma kereta sebijik untuk tujuan 'trade-in'. Tanya nilai kereta waja tahun 2005 aku... nilainya cuma RM10,000 jer(kedai used car punya price).. Hutang bank masih ada dalam RM6,000.00. RM10,000  tolak RM4,000 maknanya aku cuma ada modal RM4,000.00 jer.... 

Berbalik pada kereta 'idaman' aku plak.... Aku memang dah lama dok 'survey' TW sejak 2 tahun lepas.. Dari satu kedai ke satu kedai 'recond' aku singgah. Untuk toyota TW 'full-spec' tahun 2010, paling rendah pun bleh dapat RM128,000 ke RM135,000. Mak aii punya la mahai....Itu belum harga di Naza World.. Kalau nak amik yg bukan full spec, harga memang murah dalam RM116,000. Hasrat hati memang nak yang 'full spec'... baru la 'stylo' sket..... Ekoran harga yang tinggi, maka terpaksalah aku tukar strategi aku.... Maka aku pun target nak sambar apabila dekat dengan hari perayaan sebab selalunya waktu-waktu perayaan ada promosi.

Al-kisah suatu hari bulan April yang lalu, aku singgah kat sebuah kedai kereta-kereta import di Jalan Tun Razak. Kebetulan plak, ada promosi. Adalah sebijik TW full-spec yang aku berkenan, harganya mak aiiii.... RM145,000.00... Potong stim betoi.. Elok ja aku nak angkat kaki, salesman yang berbangsa Cina tu cakap, "abang bayar booking hari ni....aku kasi harga RM120,000.00!!"..... Ini sudah baik!! Original rim toyota...leather seat..siap ada 'paddle shift' lagi.... Apalagi, terus keluar RM500.00 dulu (walaupun perit)bayar booking dan lock price TW warna hitam RM120,000.00. Hati sudah berkenan, gamble je lah...

Pendek citer... Kereta sudah 'booking'... modal ada RM4,000.00(proton waja) tadi... So, sekarang kena cari loan dengan 'interest' yang rendah.. Pada masa yang sama, 3 ke 4 bank sudah call meng'offer'kan diri. Di sini, kita kena ambil peluang la.... kita 'nego' dgn bank kita nak RM116,000.00 dan 'certain-certain' interest rate...

Bukan mudah gak, gaji aku bukan ja banyak mana pun... ciput pun... Ada bank yang call cakap gaji aku tak cukup la apa la.. Cuma ada satu bank yang cerdik dan sanggup bantu... dia up 'loan' aku sampai RM150,000.00 dan yang approve mmg cukup-cukup RM116,000.00. Interest plak memang 'ngam ho'.... Apalagi.. maka ter'makbul'lah cita-cita dan harapan...kuikuikui...

Kesimpulannya; RM4,000.00(duit waja)+RM116,000.00(loan approved)=RM120,000.00... belum campur RM500.00 duit booking yang dapat balik. Maka, boleh lah aku pakai TW tanpa keluar duit...hahahahahah... Alhamdulillah.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

What the 'fish' in SEMENTA, Klang...

'Company' telah menganjurkan pertandingan memancing pada cuti umum Hari Wesak baru-baru ni.... Kali ni derang 'organise' kat kolam baru di Sementa, Klang.

Biasa la... kalau kolam baru memang aku 'majal' sket sebab tak dapat dia punya 'tuning' lagi.. Belum ada 'chemistry'. Macam 'posting-posting' aku yang lepas la, mancing ni bukan kerana ikan tu tapi lebih untuk merehatkan minda (ayat 'cover-line').

Dah nama pun pertandingan anjuran 'company'; So, aku tengok benda ni sebagai peluang merapatkan silaturahim sesama 'staff'.. Biasa la, kekadang bila di ofis tu ada yang 'tension' sesama 'colleagues'. Jadi, bila ada aktiviti macam ni, 'At least', yang tegang dapat dikendurkan.

Sekadar informasi, ini adalah kali kedua, 'company' menganjurkan aktiviri memancing. Harap2 tahun depan ada lagi. Cheers!!!!

Monday, May 5, 2014

End of First Quarter 2014

We've just closed out our first quarter performances review and it seems that my department has achieved flying colors. With 97.53%, I guess it was a great achievement.

The question is; can I sustain the same momentum for the second quarter? Only God knows but I truly believe that with 100% of concentration and focus, I might hit the same momentum.

I'm a believer of hard work and hard work does pay off. No doubt, there will be some stress to add up in the ingredients.

But who knows........... InsyaAllah, with good team work and high focus in achieving the objectives; things will turn out to be great.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

In The Studio: Letting the stress out.

Everybody need some time at their own time and place to release out their stress.

As for me, besides fishing; I'm releasing my tension in the studio. As introduced by my band mates, there is one cool studio in Bandar Sri Damansara. The equipments are great and here is where me and my band mates hang out together during the weekends. Let the stress out while covering out our favourite songs.

At this age, I guess I'm focusing the things that I really like to do. And why should I bother about others? Right?

Monday, March 24, 2014

Making a stop @HRC, Penang!!

Made a stop at Hard Rock Cafe, Penang for a double expresso!! The specific reason of having this double pure coffee was due to I'm too sleeping to drive home. Have one of this, and you'll be fresh as new.

And I might consider the Hard Rock hotel for my family vacation somewhere around this year. Watch out guys!!! I'm coming again to stay this time!!! Frankly, it was my first time here in HRC Penang and I'm falling in love with it. And of course the Hard Rock Hotel is just by the beach.

One thing I love about HRC is their merchandise shop. And I've taken this opportunity to grab a cotton t-shirt for myself. It was a simple tee but since the HRC name on it, it cost me RM100.00. It is worth it since I do not always come to Penang.

A bit chit chat with the waitress in HRC, Penang; at the moment there is a band from Philippine playing at the cafe. Looking forward for my next trip indeed!!!

Tuesday, March 11, 2014


Everybody knows how delicious the Nasi Kandar in Penang!! But that is in Penang, but right now I'm talking about Nasi Kandar in Kuala Lumpur!!

You guys better check it out Mohd Yaseen Nasi Kandar Pulau Pinang at the following address; 351, Jalan Tunku Abdul Rahman, 50100 Kuala Lumpur.

I've been to various Nasi Kandar restaurants and stalls all over Kuala Lumpur but for your info, this is the one!!. As mentioned by some blogs; it is second to none.

If you intend to dine in at this place, please ensure you come a bit earlier than normal lunch time in order to avoid long que!!!

Friday, February 28, 2014

COVER: GARY MOORE...my first attempt...

Everybody knows that Gary Moore was a legend. And here I am trying to cover 'The Loner' by Gary Moore. Sorry for the poor quality audio. It was my first attempt, therefore there's a lot of flaws. For sure, I'm lacking in having the feel towards the song. I've been pondering on how Gary Moore would manage to create these such beautiful melody. Whatever it is; I'll improve myself from time to time. 


At the moment this picture was taken, we were discussing our new musical journey since my ex-room mate(on the left) during my Proton College years in UUM has moved to KL all the way from Kulim. Frankly, I always consider him as one of the best player I ever known. In other words, I have full pack experienced musicians in my pocket.

Let's explore the whole new musical experience. I bet it's gonna be an interesting journey.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Pantai Remis Fishing Pond Revisited: Mission Accomplished!!

Pantai Remis fishing pond finally tamed at the very last minute. My fourth time visit and for the first time I managed to catch one. Finally luck was on my side and truly happy about it. Can't wait for my next trip and surely hope that the same luck might knocking on my door. Cheers!!!

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

PAK LONG part one....

Sedar tak sedar, aku dah ada 3 orang anak saudara. Tempoh masa berlalu dan salah sorang anak saudara aku dah besar rupanya. I guess it is a sign of me getting older. Yang ni anak kepada adik aku. Suka senyum anak dia bila aku dukung. Teringat suatu ketika dulu budak ni lahir tak cukup bulan. Alhamdulillah, sudah semakin sihat dan semakin comel.

Bila dukung bebudak camni, teringin nak tambah anak. Tapi nak buat camner, mungkin takde rezeki lagi atau rezeki setakat tu jer. Whatever it is, I'm still proud of my existing kids. Masing-masing dah besar panjang. Nak dukung atau timang-timang memang dah tak mampu. Kalau mampu pun, gerenti patah pinggang. 

Tak sabar tunggu weekend nak main-main dengan anak buah..... hahahahahah

Friday, January 24, 2014

2014: Gotta work like a stallion...

The first quarter of 2014 gonna be busy like hell!! I got to create a momentum for the first quarter. Believe it or not, I have RM20million on my shoulders to fulfill the 2014 yearly target. 

After all, 2014 is year of the horse; therefore I guess everybody gotta work like a stallion. It's a rushing year for everybody. Plus, the global economy is not doing so well.

So far as for today, I think I'm on the right track. The problem is; I got to maintain the right momentum till end of the year. May Allah be on my side. InsyaAllah.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Opening Jamming Session 2014

This was my first jamming session in 2014. It was an unplanned session whereby Parjo gave me call at 5.30pm and off we headed to the studio at 10pm. The session was joined by two of my school-mate; Aley and Nana. Most of songs were spontaneously played because it was not well planned. However it turns out to be a great session. There was no vox and we took turn on vocals.  As usual, mine will always be the worst.