Sunday, June 15, 2014

Happy Father's Day 2014

The kids are back home from their school holidays. And they bought me a ticket to watch the latest X-Men movie as a Father's Day gift. Thanks for it!! It's a wonderful feeling to be treated like this from your own kids. The ticket was only RM11.00 but I could felt the love deep inside my heart. Million thanks.... 

Being a father is not such an easy task. It's a whole life and a lifetime process. And I knew, I won't be able to create such a perfect life for my kids and the family. I'm really honored that the kids took me to the movies.

As for all the fathers out there; HAPPY FATHER'S DAY. It is a tough world out there and I knew, as long we are breathing, we'll do the very best for the family. InsyaAllah

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