Monday, October 13, 2014


I'm traveling again to Sarawak. This time I'm having a meeting Sarikei. With a couple of friends from Kuching we used a Toyota 4x4 via Trans Borneo Highway. At first I thought it was truly a highway that we used to have in Peninsular but the truth is; it was a normal road. The worst part was; it took us nearly 5 hours to reach Sarikei from Kuching just to had a 30minutes of meeting. Even thou, it was a normal road, but the condition of the road was good. It was a day trip and it was truly tiring. But for those who loves driving and enjoy the green nature beauty, you might enjoy the trip.

If you intend to visit Sarikei and to avoid this sort of tiring/driving trip, you may take a flight from Kuching to Sibu. Then, rent a car from Sibu to Sarikei.

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