Sunday, November 24, 2013


Pejam celik pejam celik… dah berkhatan dah anak teruna aku sorang ni. Ternyata masa berlalu amat pantas sekali. Terlalu amat pantas sekali anak aku mencecah umur 9 tahun.  Teringat masa dulu-dulu betapa asyiknya dapat mendukung dia. Sekarang ni nak dukung memang dah tak mampu… Alamatnya sakit belakang la jawabnya!!.

Dia memang rapat dengan aku… Katanya aku ni kawannya.. Nak berkhatan ni amat mudah.. Aku tanya dia; terus dia setuju. Cuma malam sebelum berkhatan je dia tak boleh tidur.. Dan seminit sebelum masuk bilik doktor, dia baru cakap dia berasa takut.  Sebagai ayah, aku bagitau dia tiada apa yang perlu ditakutkan kerana abah sentiasa ada disisi. Seminggu sebelum tu; aku sentiasa ingatkan dia bahawa dalam Islam wajib berkhatan. Dan berkhatan ni lah yang membezakan budak dan orang dewasa.

Operation berkhatan ni kejap ja… aku agak tak sampai pun 10minit… Cuma ada komplikasi sikit, kalau tak maunya dalam 5 minit ja… Berbeza dengan zaman dulu pakai tok mudim. La ni pi klinik ja kasi clamp. Tambahan plak klinik ni plak doktornya rapat dengan family aku. So, benda mudah menjadi lebih mudah. Lagipun, sebelum operasi berjalan, doktor kasi bius dulu….

Apapun, Alhamdulillah semuanya selesai… Sekarang ni tunggu 5hari untuk buka semula clamp tu…

p/s: As for my son, abah wish you congrats. A new chapter of your life begins. May Allah protects and bless you as always. Amin.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Crackin' Head Big Time!!

2014 is just around the corner and I just could feel the stress is in the air. The management has structured the company and I have been given the task on gaining RM20million from our local market. Frankly and truly, it is an impossible mission. Somehow, I’ve taken the liberty to take it as a challenge and may Allah will be on my side. Plus a bit of luck could favors me a lot.

The bad part, I couldn’t rely everything on my existing surroundings since I could smell betrayal, hatred and hate. The recent environment won’t do much help. Negative energy is everywhere and this is not good. Therefore, I’m just gonna do it independently. Yes, I do it for the company but on the other hand, as for the truth; I’m going to do this for myself. May Allah have the mercy and grant me for what I’ve wishes for.


Syukur Alhamdulillah. I’m giving credits to my daughter for her ‘flying colors’ in the 2013 exam results. A good start for her ‘standard one’ studies. Frankly, she did pretty well in her primary school and KAFA classes. May she will stay focus and maintaining the results till end of her education period.  I admitted that I’m so focus with my work and there’s no much time to spare in terms of her education. Luckily, she could make herself so successful and I truly owe this to all the teachers, ustaz and ustazah.

Dalam keadaan dunia sekarang yang penuh dengan cabaran dan dugaan, aku tidak meletakkan harapan yang terlalu tinggi pada anak-anak. Cukuplah sekadar mereka menjadi insan yang berakhlak. But looking at the results, I knew and I prayed that they could achieve a better life and to be a good person.  Amin.

Education is important. It’s a never ending process. As long as I’m still breathing, I promised to myself that I will try my very best to give the best education to my kids. May Allah bless me and the family   for the matter.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

MOVIE REVIEWS: THOR the dark world

Since my sis was in town, I’m taking the whole family for a cinema treat. And we have decided to watch Thor; The Dark Word.  I’m suggesting you guys to watch THOR the first movie before you proceed with this movie. There’s some connection between the first and the recent Thor movie. It will give you more understanding the whole story.

The blockbuster was awesome and it was pretty much better than the first one. If you are a fan of the ‘avengers’, you gotta watch this one.  The story involving Loki ain’t over yet till you watch this movie.

As for me, I’m a big fan of Natalie Portman and the Avengers. Therefore, this film is a double bonanza excitement for me. Perhaps, I shouldn’t comment more on this movie; Grab yourself a pop corn and watch THOR: THE DARK WORLD.. Awesome!!!

p/s: This time I'm beginning to love Loki……