Wednesday, August 15, 2012

HOME DECOR: The Red Theme

Yup, I love red.... I intend to put up the earth color but somehow I think it is too common. Therefore, I only could think of red instead of other colors. There is only a couple of days before Hari Raya but the contractors only managed to complete 40% of it. But yet, I'm not in rushing mode since the neighborhood is still empty. There was a break-in last week at one of the houses in the area and I am freaking out to move in early. 

The feature wall cost me roughly RM35 for white undercoat paint and another RM100.00 for 3 liters of Jotun paint. I've forgotten the color code but you might refer it to any of their outlets or agents. The best  part is when they mix up the colors in this special machine.

Frankly speaking I have no idea for the home decor but I am trying to adapt the modern music studio concept into the living room...orang seni katakan.... But yet, I'm still figuring out how to do it. As for now, the cash is running out and I have to find out the solution ASAP....Aiyaaaaa.....

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