Tuesday, August 28, 2012

My 1433 Eid Mubarak Diaries

Syukur Alhamdulillah, I had a great time during the recent Eid Mubarak break. Everything goes well and smooth. So, here's something to share with you guys. 


My definitions of Eid Mubarak are all about forgiving, loving, meeting my elders, and traveling. During this festive season, my usual routine will be traveling all the way from KL-Taiping-Perlis and return back vice versa.

I guess my journey this year was a blessed since we managed to avoid heavy traffic in PLUS Highway. Or might be coz I left earlier than others.


Last day of Ramadhan, taking the kids to a wonderful dinner @ Panorama Hotel, Taiping. Great food, good price...Thumbs up


 I guess it's gonna be a tradition for me and my old friends to jamm before celebrating Hari Raya. Most of us stayed outside from Taiping and Eid Mubarak season is a prefect timing for us to hang out together and jamming out through out the whole night. 

Trust me, there's some of us who we haven't met for nearly 25years(since school days). I'm glad that music unite us all back and I'm truly appreciate the moment.
 Joining us on that night; the guys from Combo RTM Ipoh,Perak. Frankly, they are truly talented and skilled. Most of the songs we played are old-school. Deep Purple is a must plus others Malay 80's rock era songs. 

Here are the names which I salute for sacrificing their time to contribute in MUZIKA RAYA 2012 JAMMING SESSION: Mr.Aley, Mr.Parjo, Mr.Ben, Mr.Mud and Mr.Wok plus others which I don't remember their names.
 Mr.Mud & The old timer Mr.Wok

Aley and his Kramer

I was hoping that this MUZIKA RAYA will be a routine each year for Hari Raya. 

 Reaching back home in Perlis was like attending a good relaxing therapy. And of course, meeting my mom was the best excitement for Eid Mubarak.

 Yup, Perlis is known by tasty mangoes. Who could ever resist.

This my private pond behind my house. Haruan, Puyu , keli dan sepat....macam2 ada... Nobody knows that I am a kampong boy and always will be? Korang pernah buat bendang? Sure tak penah kan? Ok lah enough about my kampong...Sedih plak terasa...macam nak balik sekarang gak....


 My beloved wife took the opportunity on giving Langkawi for the 2nd time. This time the kids tagged along. As for me, I skipped the trip and and focused on having a pure quality time in kampong. 

When it comes to shopping, I raised up the white flag and leave it to my wife. And I considered my wife lucky since she managed to avoid the tax for the whole lotta 'pinggan mangkuk' bought. 

Lastly, I knew they had a great time and it's make me happy. I heard the kids are having such a fun time.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

TNB New CEO & President.....

15th August 2012

Among the best thing about my job; I got to meet all the big guys in Malaysia. Last night I met the new CEO and president for TNB, Dato' Azman. I consider him as a friendly and nice person.

Actually, I attended a 'buka puasa' event by replacing my GM in Shah Alam. It was organized by PUTM(a local entrepreneurs organization) and considered myself lucky to have a picture with him.


Hari Raya Aidil Fitri is just around the corner and I am wishing you guys a tremendous Hari Raya especially with your love ones. And I'm taking this opportunity to ask for your forgiveness for whatever I've done that might hurt you guys. I am what I am and certain people might have certain wrong perception on me but on top of all....just let us have a great celebration for this Hari Raya.

Kepada yang pulang ke kampung, please and double please to be extra berhati-hati on the road. Always remember your love ones.


HOME DECOR: The Red Theme

Yup, I love red.... I intend to put up the earth color but somehow I think it is too common. Therefore, I only could think of red instead of other colors. There is only a couple of days before Hari Raya but the contractors only managed to complete 40% of it. But yet, I'm not in rushing mode since the neighborhood is still empty. There was a break-in last week at one of the houses in the area and I am freaking out to move in early. 

The feature wall cost me roughly RM35 for white undercoat paint and another RM100.00 for 3 liters of Jotun paint. I've forgotten the color code but you might refer it to any of their outlets or agents. The best  part is when they mix up the colors in this special machine.

Frankly speaking I have no idea for the home decor but I am trying to adapt the modern music studio concept into the living room...orang seni katakan.... But yet, I'm still figuring out how to do it. As for now, the cash is running out and I have to find out the solution ASAP....Aiyaaaaa.....

Sunday, August 12, 2012


The best thing about this session was I got to use my Customized Musicman Axis for the first time....the tone and sound was excellent!!

 Are we the bad boys?...No lah...just kidding. After nearly two months of our break, here we are back in the studio. I knew it's Ramadhan and I personally believe that we just spent the hours totally on music not those sin stuffs. Really enjoyed the night for more than 2 hours. We got to play a couple of new songs but yet, we got to polish the skills. And as always.....practice makes perfect.

Well, the next session will be after the Eid and of course we will be looking forward to jamm again...Life is rock n roll baby!!!!

Mr.Maleq the anchorman....

Mr.Morley the hitman....all the way from Puchong...semata2 untuk rock n roll...dasat!!!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012


I may not have a lot of money but I do have the cheers and happiness. Alhamdulillah.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

'Buka Puasa' Dinner @Ramai Seafood

I have lost my counts for my fasting days but truly give a double thumbs up for Mr.Ipin and Mr.Madir for throwing out such a satisfying 'buka puasa' dinner. Frankly, since I was transferred to KL, I deeply miss these guys. Therefore, seeing them last night at least gave me a calm in my heart. It is a huge afford and really touches me since I still get an invitation for the dinner. I'm wishing and praying those attended all the best in career and life. Dan kalau ada lagi jangan lupa jemput chek nooo......


 The best thing about being in Sales Department is you might have your own free time. Last Friday I was assigned to give a visit in Nilai, Negeri Sembilan. And what I have in mind was to finish up the meeting ASAP so I could spent a tiny winnie time just to have a look at one of the shop which provides home deco solutions.

Luckily, I found a signboard which brought me to this KK Home Deco (somewhere in Nilai). The shop is quit impressive since it is huge. From my observation, I guess it is a new shop.
I am fond of home decorations but somehow most of the items in the shop are specifically for English Deco-style concept. If you are intend of having the English Theme for your home, KK Home Deco might be the ultimate solution. As for me, I'm seeking for a modern studio concept of living with a bit of abstract elements. They are providing discounts at the moment but the membership? I'm confuse about that since we have to buy some provided items to entitle us as a membership. But once you got the membership, all discounts are yours!!!!

Anyway, as I mentioned earlier, it is still worth while for you to pay them a visit. And if you love the English style, here's the place.