Tuesday, July 17, 2012

RENO WORKS Phase 1: Buiding up the wall

I've been busy all day since last 2 weekends(after IJM granted us the house key) and alhamdulillah I'm getting the wall up  for my new home. I'm confused whether I'm too excited or I'm just throwing away my savings but somehow the work for renovations still need to be done. What I'm afraid at the moment is the local authorities might issue a summon for not getting a permit on the matter. I'll be submitting the permit application by early next week and hopefully to get the approval by end of next week. For permit itself will cost me RM229.00(whereby RM120 will be refunded back) and another RM100.00 for the runner on ensuring the permit being issued.

The wall on my left side is 80% completed since it was done by my neighbour and my goodness I have save a lot of money for his favor. All I need is to complete my right side wall with the same design. This cost me only RM1,000.00 by using the same contractor.

Somehow, the construction might delay due to rainy causes but yet I'm putting the hope that it will be completed by early next week. To be continued.........

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