Sunday, December 2, 2012

Movie Reviews: Twilight: Breaking Dawn Pt2

Finally, I've spared some of my time to watch the finale for the twilight saga: breaking dawn part 2 with my beloved wife. As for 2012, we've watched whole lotta movies (just name it.... 007 skyfall, total recall, dark knight rises etc..) but twilight: breaking dawn pt 2 is the best!!

I considered it as the best episode among all the saga's. But wait a minute, is this the end? I need more please.... Can't get enough of it. I am hoping that there will be another continuity for this!!.

As I mentioned before, it is a different kind of a romantic film and Bella looks a bit matured this time. Thumbs up!! 

IKEA... I like!!

Time to shop @ikea. Surely, everybody loves IKEA. It almost got everything on what you wanted for your home. Price wise? It is not so expensive if you know on how to decorate your home. And IKEA got the lowest price for the furnitures. For example, the side table is only RM29.00. As long as it carries the IKEA brand, it  is worth to spend the money.

As for me, IKEA is one stop centre for DIY lovers. And here's the tip, just go there early in the morning so that you could get the right parking spot. Sign off from IKEA, Damansara.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

My Abstract Painting....

I've been seeking a large size abstract painting for quit sometime. And frankly speaking, the price is truly being unfriendly to your wallet. And real abstract painting could reach to thousands of RM.

As a solution, I bought a large frame from IKEA which cost me RM129.00. Then I bought a paper which cost me not more than RM3.00. And the rest, I let my creativity do the painting. Not bad huh?!!....

My Red Living Hall: The Arrangement

The arrangement was tough since I've tried to meet the criteria of having a modern classy style of living room. Unless if I had thick wallet, whatever I visualized might come into reality. For time being, I have to use whatever resources I have in order to get it done. As long as it could make the living hall looks cozy. Thank God, it's 95% done... Another 5% of touch up and I'm done!

To be continued......

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Testing the "EVH Wolfgang Stealth" guitar @Bentley

I am a huge fan of Eddie Van Halen(EVH). And last Saturday I got my chances to put a grip on this black beauty at Bentley Music, Mutiara Damansara. I've never touch the current wolfgang before and this is my first time ever and I'm totally excited about it. The black stealth color is awesome and it truly fits the guitar. 

Personally, she's a sexy lady and looks like she was built to kill!!

I'm excited really!!!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Building a Japanese Garden: Phase 1

Here I am constructing a Japanese style garden. Frankly, I'm out of ideas and may time contributes some inspiration in order to complete it. As for time being, I'm only putting this bamboo tree and planting some grass. The rest? only God knows!!!

Saying Good Bye To Old Home...

Finally, it's time to say say goodbye to 2B4, Puncak Alam. It's been nearly 9 years I've been rented this home. It was saddened to leave the good neighborhood after all these years. This home has witnessed all the happiness and sadness. The house had accompanied me during my low and higher moments. 

I still remember nearly 9 years ago, whereby Puncak Alam was considered as a place where nobody would ever want to stay in. But recently, out of a sudden it seems that everybody is so interested with Puncak Alam. And do please trust me..... when the government operated UiTM here in Puncak Alam, the community suddenly grows and positively impacted the whole surroundings. Plus, the properties are sky rocketing here!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Fishing Time: Now everyday I can go fishing!!

I guess now I could go fishing everyday!! The pond is just in front of the house and who could ever resist the temptation!!

But luck has not yet to be on my side. Until then, I might keep on trying. Who knows, when the lightning may strike. After all, fishing is not about getting the fish. What's more important; it just give me a peace of mind, relaxing and enjoying the nature.

Enterprise 50 Award: We are among the top 10!

Recently we won among the Top 10 in Malaysia for Enterprise 50 Award. Organised by SME Corp. Alhamdulillah. The credit goes to the whole team at the company. Congrats guys!!

I'm too excited to hold the trophy....

This is our MD....she's the iron lady....

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Cooking Time: Telur Bungkus Black Pepper Metallica

 Step 1
Put on everything...meat..soysauce..some vegetables..oyster sauce.. some chillies and some black pepper..
 Step 2
Goreng telur & ratakan... you don't have to add in salt please...
Step 3
Wrap it with the eggs...

I'm in the mood for cooking and I'm preparing "telur bungkus".... Well the ingredients are.... soy sauce.. meat...and whatever in the fridge!! When it comes to cooking, I don't have any certain quantities of measurement!! Aku main pakai taruk jaa.... To make it spicy, just add on the black pepper..fried up the eggs and wrap up the dishes with the eggs... Yup, I do have the chef taste and I love cooking!!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Home Decor: 95% Completed....

 I guess the major home decor stage is finally gonna draws the curtain down. And we are expecting to move in very soon. Even thou, the home decor stages is almost done, but yet there are still few matters to be considered. Yup, it's like to fill in the blanks such as getting the furnitures in and a few touch ups to be done. Overall, i'm satisfied especially when turning on the lights whereby it gives this cozy type of environment. No wonder it costs me the whole savings.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Again in Kuching, Sarawak!!

Again I'm assigned to Kuching, Sarawak. My last visit was last month and this frequent visit made me a bit sick with the flight travel. All I did is totally turning on the zzzz's mode during the 1 hour and 40minutes of flight. 

It's the event for International Energy Week. Most of the major players from energy sector participated and you might get full info's for Malaysia energy sectors.

As I said before, Sabah and Sarawak are cheap for their seafoods. And the way they prepare it is awesome. In Sarawak, I'm proposing you guys to try out the Midin vegetables.

Beautiful & Exotic Sarawak!!

Monday, October 15, 2012





Monday, October 8, 2012

Home Decor: Master Bedroom Painted!

Can you see the various colors of grey stripes at the building of Setia City Mall? And I implemented almost the same at my bedroom feature wall... Hahahahahahahaha...(ada yang jeles sampai majuk nihhh!!!). I don't have any money to buy home decor magazines, so I adopted from what fascinates me...Frankly speaking my friend, the ideas is everywhere!! Open your eyes and your surroundings might give you certain ideas!!

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Nilai 3: Heaven for Home Decor Lovers

Here I am in Nilai3. This is my first time for me to visit Nilai 3. It's a wholesale place for home decor lovers. Just name it whatever you want it for your home. It is like a one stop centre for home decor fans. The price? The price is much lower from what you get in KL or any other place. And what makes it more interesting is; you gotta have the guts to bargain. Just bargain it until you and the seller get the right price.

The reason I am here is to seek the right 'curtain' for my new home. Since Nilai is known as a 'Curtain Town'. It is definitely the right place to visit.

Choose the fabrics with your own taste and color, ask the seller for the price and bargain till you drop. Then, request them to sew your curtain. And within 1 -2 hours, your new curtain is up and ready!! That's why I guess it was called as the 'Curtain Town'.

You also might to check out the lighting stores. From ancient style to modern urban, everything is here!! 
Finally....I'm tired to death. Not that I'm tired coz of walking from one store to another...I'm tired since my wallet is out of cash. Here's the tip; Bring whole lotta money guys!!!

Jamming Session 28th Sept: Failure meets Trouble

OMG!!!...What really happened during our last session of Jamming?.. I guess we all need a break. Something was wrong and something wasn't right. Too many factors contributed to failure.. Among the failures: my music man axis running out of tune during doing the whammy..omg..

It's okay.. All we need at the moment... a long rest plus finding new materials for the jam session. I'm thinking of old school rock n roll. Might be some of Led Zeppelin or Deep Purple.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Mari beli...mari beli karpet!!!

Since the new home to be completed within weeks to come, here I am seeking the right color for the floors. I'm seeking a real cheap ones but the looks must be impressive. Roughly the cheapest will cost me at least RM350.00 (kat mano la aku nk carik duit nihhh!!!). At the moment, I'm still seeking the right one. Since the feature wall was painted with bravery red, I need a carpet which might cool off the living hall. Still seeking........

Ready for Action Tonite...28th Sept 2012

 Gonna jamm tonight before taking a rest in order to give some room for myself and the family to move into our new home. Unluckily there's no new material for tonight. It just a session of polishing the previous songs we used to play. Rock n roll guys!!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

It's Pizza Time....

I'm freakin' starving here... Alhamdulillah, jimat duit blanja hari nihh...

Monday, September 24, 2012

Just the two of us.....

Since granny undergo for an operation, my wife decided to pay her a visit with my beloved daughter. Now, there's only me and my son. And of course....the boys rules. Merdeka!!!! Merdeka!!! Merdeka!!!!

We went for movie's....we watched DVD's plus others. What really excites us when we manage to see the air balloon. I guess it is a prefect timing for me and my son to spend some time alone. It's a quality time!!!

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Up for 2nd Phase of Home Deco....

Syukur Alhamdulillah that I've completed the first phase for my home-decor.

Now, I've started for the second phase of my home-decor by painting the kids room. Due to limited of financial, I'm using the cheapest paint from JOTUN, which cost me RM35 for 7liters of paint. Even thou it's cheap but it still gives me great results!!

Cuci....not the movie...the reality!!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Phase 1: 96.3%percent completed...another 5 phases to go!!

Alhamdulillah, the first phase of my very own idea of home deco is nearly come to its end. Hopefully it could be completed by this Friday since I'have deployed another contractor to start his work on kitchen reno. The second phase of course is the kitchen which expected to be completed by 25th September 2012. Back to the first phase; the idea of having the red theme living hall is to apply the modern zen concept. Hopefully the red color might brings me whole lotta luck in future to come. 
I've put the TV cabinet as a divider between the dining hall and living area in order to provide privacy during having the meal. Yup it makes the house bit smaller but yesterday I have made my mind on extending the kitchen which roughly gonna cost me another RM8k.(The kitchen extension of course gonna be the 3rd phase).

I've been wondering why the hell of having the idea of putting the bricks at one of the feature wall. Okay la...kononnya ada elemen 'earth' la tu... Earth pun earth gak....duit dah nak abisss dah nihh.....
And the above is my master plan. Hopefully it could be accomplished everything by the end of this year. As I said before, it all depends on the thickness of my wallet...ya adoiiiii!!!!

Monday, September 17, 2012

SETIA MALL: Only RM2.00 for an excitement

Nothing makes me happy other than watching the happiness and laughter of my kids. And trust me please..All these cost me only RM2.00 for the parking fee's at Setia Mall.

At the back of this mall, there is one big field and this fascinating mountain. And this mountain glows with colors during night. There's also   a playground for the kids.

All these things are for free and I absolutely salute the developers for developing these. Considering it as something for the community.

Sarawak Visit....

Throughout my lifetime, this was my second since my last visit roughly 8 years ago. Both were not a vacation trip but more towards work matters. It was an hour and 45mins journey by MAS from KLIA to Kuching. Anyhow, I managed to steal a couple of hours just to take a walk at the Sarawak riverside and it was a pleasant experience.

I stayed at Majestic Riverside and it truly gives you comfort. The hotel is wonderful and no wonder it has been declared as a 5 star. Just below is the shopping Mall and just opposite the main road is the Seven Eleven outlet( just in case you need anything in the middle of the nite)

Just like Sabah, Sarawak is also known by their seafood freshness. But this time I'm not highlighting the seafood but I'm eager to tell you guys about this 'midin' wild vegetables. It is some sort like 'paku-pakis' but it is not. Frankly, it is totally delicious!

Overall, when it comes to Sarawak, the citizens are truly friendly! And Alhamdulillah my visit was a fruitful one!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Jamming Session 7th Sept 2012

The gear is up & ready!!

cover song: Andai Ku Bercinta Lagi..(sorry for the poor quality..kuikuikui)