As I expected, 2015 gonna be rough. Tougher than I thought compared to 2014. On business wise, the surroundings are not providing much favors than what I've expected. Plus, the oil and gas industry is not showing good signs due to the falling price of crude oil. To make things worse; our 'ringgit' is not performing the way it should be. The fear that I had in 2014 will make its day in 2015.
The 'rakyat' are cursing the GST regime and this has made things more worst. Even thou, GST might save the nation but not in favor to the citizens. I hope that this implementation by the government could make an immediate positive impact to the rakyat.
From my personal point of view; I'm hoping that things could be better by praying that government could play more roll in putting things back on the track. And I urge that the people could be encouraged on productivity like we used to have in 'Mahathir's' era. InsyaAllah