Tuesday, January 28, 2014

PAK LONG part one....

Sedar tak sedar, aku dah ada 3 orang anak saudara. Tempoh masa berlalu dan salah sorang anak saudara aku dah besar rupanya. I guess it is a sign of me getting older. Yang ni anak kepada adik aku. Suka senyum anak dia bila aku dukung. Teringat suatu ketika dulu budak ni lahir tak cukup bulan. Alhamdulillah, sudah semakin sihat dan semakin comel.

Bila dukung bebudak camni, teringin nak tambah anak. Tapi nak buat camner, mungkin takde rezeki lagi atau rezeki setakat tu jer. Whatever it is, I'm still proud of my existing kids. Masing-masing dah besar panjang. Nak dukung atau timang-timang memang dah tak mampu. Kalau mampu pun, gerenti patah pinggang. 

Tak sabar tunggu weekend nak main-main dengan anak buah..... hahahahahah

Friday, January 24, 2014

2014: Gotta work like a stallion...

The first quarter of 2014 gonna be busy like hell!! I got to create a momentum for the first quarter. Believe it or not, I have RM20million on my shoulders to fulfill the 2014 yearly target. 

After all, 2014 is year of the horse; therefore I guess everybody gotta work like a stallion. It's a rushing year for everybody. Plus, the global economy is not doing so well.

So far as for today, I think I'm on the right track. The problem is; I got to maintain the right momentum till end of the year. May Allah be on my side. InsyaAllah.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Opening Jamming Session 2014

This was my first jamming session in 2014. It was an unplanned session whereby Parjo gave me call at 5.30pm and off we headed to the studio at 10pm. The session was joined by two of my school-mate; Aley and Nana. Most of songs were spontaneously played because it was not well planned. However it turns out to be a great session. There was no vox and we took turn on vocals.  As usual, mine will always be the worst.