Tuesday, October 29, 2013

JAMMING SESSION 25th October 2013

It's been quite a while since I had my last jamming session. It's almost 3 months I guess..!!Out of the blue, a friend of mine whatsapps me for a session on that night. Ibarat ngantuk disorongkan bantal.... 

Frankly, I don't prepare anything for the session. Therefore the session didn't turn out the way it was expected to be. Well, it's all about having fun and that's the most important part of the whole idea. 

Guys, thanks for the invitation...

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

AIDIL ADHA 2013...

Wishing all muslims a Happy Aidil Adha. 
Semoga kita semua menghayati pengertian 'korban'. Allahu Akbar..... Allahu Akbar... Allahu Akbar.

Hidup tidak dapat dielakkan daripada melakukan pengorbanan. Sacrifice is a part of life. We have to commit sacrifice to our surroundings. Dan pengorbanan adalah sebahagian daripada penyucian jiwa. InsyaAllah.