Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Syawal is just around the corner.

Finally, Ramadhan is near to end for this year and InsyaAllah, we'll be celebrating Eid by next week. As for this year, I'm totally proud of my kids as they have done great through out Ramadhan. And of course, Eid is about bringing happiness to them for fasting the whole month of Ramadhan. 

In Islamic teachings, Syawal is a celebration for the Muslim for their winning in fighthing lecherousness, lust and desire. And it's not only about hunger and thirst.

Monday, July 22, 2013

BACK IN TIME: 21years ago

I've just done some cleaning at home and guess what I've found? A picture taken 21 years ago showing me and few of the band mates performing in an event.

Surprisingly, most of us are still active in music playing after 21years. Those days, we are still 18years old. Still 'bujang teruna' at that time. And the best of all, we are still keep in touch between one another. 

Personally, the picture really speaks for itself. Looking back in time put a smile in my face.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Office on Fire...

Our office was caught on fire. Luckily no one is hurt since the incident happened  somewhere during midnight. And we considered lucky since the water sprinkler automatically operated accordingly. Somehow, it has caused flood towards the entire office.

Bad things happen everyday and it happened to us this time. The Fire Department unofficially declared the incident happened due to short-circuit maters.

Morale of the story: Shut off the main switch whenever you leave the office!!

Monday, July 1, 2013

Fishing: The 2nd Attempt....

I've made my second attempt to conquer the pool (Pantai Remis) due to the failure during the tournament organized a couple weeks ago. And the result was the same!!! Somehow, few of my buddies; Sabil, Pai and Razmein joined the mission and they also were unable to tame the pool. And there shall be the 3rd attempt of course!!!


 My best friend paid me a visit last Saturday with his new latest Superbike 250 Naza Blade. I could see the cherish at his face. Well, I felt happy for him since he has been adored a superbike for quite sometime. What makes him happy will make me happy too. That is what friendship is all about. 

Thinking of having a superbike? I don't think so. I guess I'm just to old for bikes. Plus, I'm the indoor type of person. Whatever it is, I'm sure glad to share the happiness of a friend. You just make me proud. Enjoy the ride bro!!!