Monday, September 28, 2015


Sudah hampir 3 minggu aku meninggalkan rokok!!! Gara-gara para rakan di pejabat mengesyorkan agar aku mencuba 'vape'. Tak berani aku nak cakap yang 'vape' ni bagus tapi aku rasa sudah tiba masanya aku berhenti merokok. Setakat ni ok lagi dan pejam celik pejam celik sudah masuk minggu ketiga. Bagi seorang perokok tegar macam aku nihhh, aku lihat perkara ni macam sesuatu yang positif la. Kenyataan ini mungkin boleh dipertikaikan namun ianya adalah kenyataan peribadi aku jaaa. When you stopped smoking and go for 'vape', surely it's a positive move. But if you are non-smoker but started to vape, well it is surely stupid move.. hahahahaha

Hari pertama dan juga minggu pertama agak sukar bro sebab minda serta nafsu akan meminta dan merayu menghisap rokok (especially lepas makan). It is surely a tough challenge to beat it. Tapi bila dah 2 ke 3 hari tu, okay laaa sebab minda dan mula accept hakikat yang aku nak tinggalkan rokok.

Kalau nak tanya dari segi kepuasan; mana nak sama rokok dengan vape!! Hisap rokok lagi puas la bro. Tapi fikir-fikir balik memang dah lama aku nak buang tabiat merokok ni. Jadi vape dijadikan altenatif laaa...  Doa-doakanlah agar dapat dibuang plak tabiat vape nihhh.. Sebab ramai perokok tegar yang dah mulai 'vape' dan dapat berhenti daripada kedua-duanya.

Pengalaman aku la kan... bila dah quit smoking dan hanya 'vape' aje... Pertama, hilang sudah pening-pening dan sakit leher serta bahu aku. Kedua, you akan rasa fresh setiap pagi, Ketiga, kahak pagi berkurangan dan dada berasa lapang. Keempat, duit ada la jimat sikit sebab satu botol e-liquid yang berharga RM35 ke RM40 tu boleh tahan 5 ke 7 hari. Sekali lagi aku ingatkan; aku bukan doktor atau pakar kewangan... aku cuma bercakap berdasarkan pengalaman aku je.

Apapun, aku harapkan agar warga 'vape' ini beretika sikit la terutamanya bila 'vape' di kawasan umum. Al maklumlah vape ni mengeluarkan wap yang banyak yang mungkin mengakibatkan orang sekeliling kurang selesa (walaupun wangi baunya).

Tuesday, September 22, 2015


I'm taking a break for any studio activities this September. My head is too cramped with office work loads and on the other hand, I'm focusing more on family matters. On the positive sides; I'm gathering new materials for the upcoming sessions. No doubt lately I'm listening to Queen and beginning to adore  their masterpieces. Yup, it's a bit old school but their musics will last forever. 

And as usual, the band members keep on rolling every week non-stop. I do hope that I could catch things up in the upcoming October. The selection of songs are getting tougher and I might need  minimum a week to figure out the chording. Truly, the jazz chords really pumps up my patience. Until next posting... chowwww.

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Better Late than Never: MAAF ZAHIR & BATIN

I know Syawal for this year is over. But I guess it's never to late to wish everybody Happy Eid Mubarak and 'Maaf Zahir & Batin'. It's a bit awkward since Syawal is over but it's better late than never.

I had a tremendous and wonderful Eid Mubarak celebration with mom and my siblings. I do hope you guys were having a wonderful celebration as well. 

Eid Mubarak is all about fun and families. We spent the first Hari Raya in my hometown, Perlis. Having good times with families and relatives. And the most important thing for me is; making mum really happy. Enjoyed the moment and do hope that I could meet the next Ramadhan and Syawal again.

Monday, May 11, 2015

Back in the Studio

I've been jamming a lot this year. And of course I'm glad that I could join this wonderful musical journey. And joining us are few new musical members. As an outcome; my music turns colorful compared to my previous sessions. What's making the music so colorful is; we do not limit ourselves into one genre. What makes me feel good is; I guess I'm getting better and better. Perhaps I might upload some videos in the future. Tungguuuuuuuu.........

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Rough Ride 2015

As I expected, 2015 gonna be rough. Tougher than I thought compared to 2014. On business wise, the surroundings are not providing much favors than what I've expected. Plus, the oil and gas industry is not showing good signs due to the falling price of crude oil. To make things worse; our 'ringgit' is not performing the way it should be. The fear that I had in 2014 will make its day in 2015.

The 'rakyat' are cursing the GST regime and this has made things more worst. Even thou, GST might save the nation but not in favor to the citizens. I hope that this implementation by the government could make an immediate positive impact to the rakyat. 

From my personal point of view; I'm hoping that things could be better by praying that government could play more roll in putting things back on the track. And I urge that the people could be encouraged on productivity like we used to have in 'Mahathir's' era. InsyaAllah

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Welcoming 2015

Hopefully it's not too late to wish you guys Happy New Year 2015. Of course it's gonna be another challenging year for all of us since the price of the crude oil is falling while at the same time our Malaysian Ringgit is depreciating. It's going to be tough for Malaysian economy but no worries, just let the government do their work and keep faith that everything might get to be stabilized by mid 2015. Whatever it is; some of us might be smiling since the petrol has gone low since 1st January 2015. Don't celebrate too much about it and spend your money wisely. 

Looking back in 2014, Malaysia witnessed lot of tragedies and disasters. For those involved; I'm expressing my deepest sympathy and pray for your speedy recovery to whatever has happened. Life goes on and I hope Allah swt would grant you guys strength to move forward.

2014; I've lost my beloved grandmother. It really makes me sad but I knew that God will grant her a beautiful place in heaven. It is hard to loose somebody that you really love. 

Back to myself; there's nothing much to be told about 2015. This year I made a promise to myself that I might be focusing in making savings. It seems that I've spent damn a lot since the last 2 years. 

Secondly, I'm focusing on my career since it's the only income that I have. Praising myself; I guess I did well in 2014 and hopefully the momentum remains. I might increase my productivity since the market is quite competitive plus the management has increased their budget for year 2015. It's going to be a not so 'promising' year unless we are gonna put some effort  on it. Just to recall; I've achieved an excellent of more than 90% based on the KPI given in year 2014 and look forward to do the same in 2015. InsyaAllah.

Less but not least; I also intend to give more for the family which I owe them a lot. I knew that I've been a bit hot tempered but I've learnt something; DON'T MAKE A DECISION WHENEVER YOU ARE IN ANGER!!. You'll be making a decision which you will regret. I noticed in 2014, I managed to control my temper and the result was tremendous. 

Again.... Happy New Year readers. Wishing you guys all the best in 2015.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Port Dickson: Grand Lexis Water Chalet

Frankly, I've never been to Port Dickson before but I always have the intention  to visit this place. And a friend (not sure whether this individual still consider me as a friend or not; I'm not pretty sure) recommended Grand Lexis as a superb place to stay. Luckily, the company has organized a seminar  to be held here in Grand Lexis. They only managed to get the water chalet since it was a last minute call but it will do rather than other hotels in PD.

My schedules were tight during the seminars and therefore, I could not have the chance of exploring Port Dickson and the hotel itself. Somehow, I managed to squeeze myself woke up early in the morning just to do my fishing things. No worries, all the stuffs including the baits will be provided.

Whatever it is; this is such a cool place to spend your holidays especially with the kids. And I heard there's a room with a swimming pool inside. Here's the tip, make an early bookings since this place is full of crowd especially during the school holidays.

I promise you one thing; once you stayed you'll intend to come again!!